Advertising Through Video Games

Video games are one of the few things that have immense potential of keeping the user's attention for a long time. More often than not, video games are immersive and have greater access to our minds than most other media. Thus, advertising can reach new levels when used in tandem with video gaming.

Reality and the Concepts of Time

The definition of reality changes with the change in the concept of time. There are three different theories that venture to define our universe with respect to time and in doing so, they all create their own notions of real and unreal.

Augmented Reality in Advertising Campaigns

Augmented Reality helps the advertiser make the user feel involved. It is not a one way flow of information but rather a very interactive process of promotion. It also appeals emotionally to the audience as they are not mere watchers but they feel like they can connect with the campaign and thus the company. Here are a few hugely successful Augmented Reality advertising campaigns.

Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two technologies that alter our perception of the world. They are being used extensively in new gadgets and thus are being made more accessible to the people with every implementation. Thus, it is important that we know one from another when we come across them which by the way we often do unknowingly.

Surveillance In The Digital Era

The Location service on your Android phone or iPhone never leaves your side. For example, Google Maps is always there to guide you home if you are lost and also keep records of your every small movement and photos or videos you take there and then store them in you own personal timeline which is obviously open to Google.

Why India Needs a Tesla?

On the fourth of April, Pune became the first urban area in the country where the number of motor vehicles surpassed the human population. In this situation, the country needs to desperately look for ways to make the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020 (unveiled in 2013) a success.

Artificial Intelligence In Our Daily Lives

In this day and age, Artificial Intelligence has a say in much of our digital lives. They learn about us from our behaviour making our devices like a friend to us rather than a gadget. They decide what content we are exposed to and what content we will not be interested in and thus heavily affect our opinion forming process.

Mechanical Reproduction Changing Reality

Technology provides endless possibilities of customizing our experiences. We don't want the things that we can physically interact with, we'd rather have experiences through our screens. We are not content with the physical space anymore we’d rather prefer spaces like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube - Spaces that are created solely of images of certain entities rather than the actual entity itself.

Simulation Hypothesis: Is Our World Real?

The hypothesis is rather intriguing as it has the potential to be as true as the reality we now believe in. The origin of life is still uncertain; Applying the simulation argument to it, solves 'where do we come from?' to one point and then raises further questions as to what actually exists in the base reality. Though in our case, getting a whiff of our base reality wouldn't be as easy as Neo popping a red pill (The Matrix, 1999).

Masking Emotions Through Text Messages

Have you ever argued with someone face-to-face and regretted the things you said? More often than not, the answer will be yes. But that doesn't mean that we shall not argue our views. We are in the 18th year of the 21st Century and that gives us some privileges. Now, we can have conversations without ever having to speak. Thanks to text messaging.

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